Shortcut keys used in Marg
1. F1 = To Change Company
2. Ctrl + U = To Switch Users
3. Alt + x = To shut a Company
4. F2/ Alt +N = To open sales voucher
5. Alt + C = To open sale challan
6. Alt +Ins = To open Cash Challan
7. Alt + P = To open Purchase Voucher
8. F11= To open Search Tab
9. Ctrl+ F12 = To set standard Narration Keys
10. Ctrl + F1 = To view & Change personal Directory
11. Ctrl + s = To flush Memory/ refresh Marg
12. Ctrl + Q = To quit Marg
13. Alt + Q = To view outstanding (O\S) of parties
Accounts/ Part
2. Ctrl +V = To Modify Accounts/ Parties
3. Del = To delete Accounts/ parties
4. Ctrl +w/ End = To Save
5. F3 = To view accounts/ parties’ details
6. F4 = To calculate Interest on accounts/ parties
7. F6= To adjust accounts/ parties according to their bills
8. F8= To view PDC (Post Dated Cheques) of Accounts/ parties
9. F10 = To use accounts/ Parties Filter
10. F11 = To Reconcile Accounts/ Parties
11. TAB/? = To Search accounts/ Parties
12. Ctrl+F1 = To view Accounts/ Parties Summery
13. Items/ Goods
14. F2 = To add New Items
15. F3 = To modify Items
16. F4 = To register items as a store
17. Delete = To Delete Items
18. Ctrl + W/End = To Save
19. F5 = To view item list according to index
20. F6 = To view old rates of items
21. F10 = To show only available stock
22. Insert = To add/less stock
23. Ctrl + Tab = To view item details
24. Ctrl + O = To use item Filter
25. + = To print Barcode/ label details
26. Ctrl + O = To use item filter
27. + = To print Barcode/ label of items
28. Alt + * = To open item rate advisor Window
2. Ctrl+ O = To import/export Bills
3. F11 = To open Cash returner window
4. Ctrl + B= To make a bill without sale/purchase of items
5. Ctrl + N= To sale/ purchase items without billing
6. Alt/F10 = To view billing details
7. F8 = To check outstanding details of selected account/party
8. Ctrl+Home = To View bill shortage window
9. ~ = To open selected account/ party details
10. Ctrl+R/Alt+E= To change rate calculation setup
11. Alt+V= To open Conversion tab
12. * = To change voucher mode (returns, replaces, etc...)
13. ) = To open message tab for bills remarks & message
2. Del = To delete in reports
3. Space Key = To select/unselect one line in ledger’s report
4. * = To select all lines in ledger’s report
5. + = To select one line in ledger’s report
6. - = To unselect one line in ledger’s report
7. / = To unselect all line in ledger’s report
8. F2 = To set date range in reports
9. + = label & barcodes in stocks report
10. Alt+p/ ctrl+Y = To print in reports
11. F8 = To view PDC issue in books report
12. F10 = To use Filter/ change line’s color in ledger’s Report
13. F7 = To adjust ledgers & so on in ledger’s report
14. Alt+F2 = To view opening Balance of accounts in Final Report
15. * = To view Shortage/ Orders in stocks report
16. F7 = To view reports as balance only in book report
17. F3 = To reconcile bank in bank Book
18. Ctrl + F1/^ = To View report Summary in reports
19. Ctrl+F1 = To view items/parties ageing in stocks/(O/S) report
20. Alt + G = To view graphical report in books report
21. F9 = To view report store wise (main, scrap, etc) in stock report.
22. To View voucher history in ledger’s report
1. Ctrl+F3 = To modify Vouchers
2. Ctrl+J = To open switch over window (Features)
3. F12 = To open marg calculator
4. Shift+F12= To open marg calender
5. Ctrl+Q = To quit marg
6. Alt+A = To open Counter Sales
7. Ctrl+I = To open items list
8. Ctrl+L = To open ledgers/ account list
9. Ctrl+F11 = TO set printing setup
10. Ctrl+F9= To adjust bills with their reference no.
11. Ctrl+W/End = To save Everthing
12. Ctrl+F7 = To reenter data in invoice with help of invoice no.
13. Ctrl+C = To copy words/texts
14. Ctrl+V = To paste words / texts