MARG ERP Ltd. has its expertise in providing the perfect customized Inventory, Accounting and Digital Payment solutions for all SMEs & MSMEs through online & offline services. Marg does continuous research and development to build a long term relationship with partners & customers to nourish small & medium businesses across the globe. After rigorous research and consistent practice, we have designed Marg products using advanced technology with a talented bunch of individuals at our state of the art. We ensure that software is updated with all the latest technology to provide a seamless experience to our valuable customers. 

Features of Marg ERP 

Marg software is the only Real Accounting & Inventory Software which gives you 100% control on your business. Due to easiness, flexibility, self-customization options and time to time up-gradations are the major reasons behind its success. That's why in a very short period i.e. August 2002, it is widely adopted by more than 10 Lakh plus users.

  • Financial Account with IT-ST-Auditors Reports
  • State/Country wise Sales Tax Reports & Registers
  • State/Country wise VAT & E-Returns
  • Operator wise Powers & Boundations
  • Multi Location Inventory Management
  • TDS / Excise / Service Tax
  • Self-designed Invoice & other Formats
  • Sales & Purchase Order Management
  • Challan & Counter Sales
  • Post Dated Cheque Management with Bank Paying Slip
  • Direct E-Mail & SMS Facility
  • 1000+ Sale, Purchase, MIS & Gross Profits Analysis
  • Self-definable Currency Symbols
  • Provision to show bill value in 5 Currency self, Dollar, Pond Euro, Rubbles
  • Multi Store with Separate store for Breakage / Expiry / Waste
  • Manufacturing (BOM) on Issue/Receipt, Direct Receipt, Reverse & Lot Bases
  • Zoom-In-Zoom-Out (Eagle View)
  • Photo / Logo provisions to make your printouts attractive
  • 1750+ Setups to customize MARG on customer site
  • Softcopy of bill direct Email to party
  • Purchase Import from Excel, DBF, Csv, Txt files (No need to feed manual purchase)
  • Self-designed Item / batch / size wise BARCODE
  • Pdf, Word, Excel, Html, Rtf, Dot matrix View & Print
  • Separate pre-defined Ports/Printers for Bills & Reports
  • 18 self-defined Hot keys & My Menu with unlimited keys
  • 100's of utilities like multi edit to make your business smooth
  • 7 Different type of Accounting Voucher Entry System
  • 18+ type of Inventory Entry System
  • Fund/Bank/Budget Planning, Targets & CMS/Purchase Cheque
  • Screen Saver with operator password
  • Internet support on single click (Inbuilt Support Link)
  • Inbuilt chatting system to give message to users

Sales Bill Attraction

n Marg, billing system is very much advanced yet easy to use. In our views, customer spend more time on their billing so that we are always focused on the ways through which you can do your billing with the less use of enter key. Cash/Credit Management, Challan/Order Loading, Item Searching, Real Time with Live Balances on Multi-user, Light Fluctuation Security options etc are incomparable. 

  • Provision for Barcode Billing & Printing
  • Item Search on Name, Code, Barcode, Fast Search Code, etc
  • Provision for Item Photo printing on bill
  • Light Fluctuation Security (Unsaved bills can be loaded)
  • Estimate Provision with advance provision
  • Multi Bills on Single Computer for multi customer handling
  • Multi firm Billing (All items selected in single bill and auto save in respective firms)
  • Provision for Sold but not billed & Billed but not sold
  • Hot keys to feed Purchase, Other Entry or Modify/Print Bills
  • Provision to load items from other bill
  • Provision to load items from other company bill
  • Import & Export Data from Branch/Head Office
  • Ctrl+O option for Export/Import Bills Items
  • Credit / Cash / Credit Card / Cash + Credit Card provision
  • Party wise credit/cash provision
  • Cash bills/parties separate ledger & outstanding provision
  • Ledger & Outstanding for Cash Sale & Stock Add/Less
  • Cash / Card / Cheque Receipt & Advance Cheque provision in Bill
  • 3 Provisions of add/less in bill for Freight, Packing, Others
  • Credit/Debit Note adjustment provision in bill
  • Cancelation, Amendment with amended items statement
  • Cashier/Checker System
  • Provision for Direct Email Bill to Party & Field Staff
  • Provision for Direct SMS Bill Detail to Party & Field Staff
  • Prohibited Party/Item provision (Transaction allowed only to selected users)
  • Loss & Margin Loss Indication
  • Hide Party/Item provision (Show only to selected users)
  • Stop Billing provision for Company/Item/Party wise Item
  • Challan Selection : Selective/All Items/Partial Quantity
  • Order Selection: Selective/All Items. Balance order shift in Shortage, Delete, Pending
  • Country Entry : Selective/All Items
  • Party History Dashboard on Party Selection
  • Eg. Ledger Balance, Overdue, Outstanding Bills, Credit Limit, Last Bill History,
  • Last Payment Detail, PDC Pending, Annual & Monthly Sales and Return %, Address
  • Rate, Scheme & discount ask only on right key and skip on enter for very fast billing
  • Print Batch provision for less from other batch and print other batch (Party wise)
  • Default/Separate bill remark eg. "Happy New Year"
  • Auto split of bills on Company, Tax Type, MRP/Sale Tax, etc bases
  • Challan Selection : Selective/All Items/Partial Quantity
  • Physical stock verification based on Company, Category, Group, Manufacture, Rack, Batch, Expiry etc

Counter Sale Entry

By this option, multiple salesmen can handle multiple customers on single computer. From Marg, it's a superb gift for over busy counters.

  • Multi customer handling provision
  • Direct interaction with database no need to save
  • Customer merge provision
  • Purchase bill feeding on counter entry
  • Operator wise counter sales
  • Supervisor can see all counter sales
  • Counter sale to Bill conversion

Multi Series Provisions

Series feature of Marg is very advance so that customer can use this option for maintaining reports, outstanding etc. In this you can set series wise rates & discounts. You can use company wise different series for billing & reporting. Even this can be used for differentiate Tax & Retail billing.

  • Barcode Searching on Item, Batch/Size/MRP/etc
  • Show item list with Barcode No. provision
  • Item Searching on Name for Barcode Missing on +key
  • Print only self-defined barcode for un-barcoded items
  • Barcode printing on Laser, Deskjet & Other Barcode Printers
  • Self-defined Barcode Printing Format
  • GS1, Serial, Shuffle Barcode creation system inbuilt

Point of Sales Provision

At fast sales counters POS Billing is very much important. In Marg POS Billing is fully advanced due to its certain unique features like Barcode, Virtual Keyboard, Touch Items Pop-ups and Tender for Cash/Credit/Other collection etc

  • Barcode Scanning
  • Item Searching provision for Barcode Miss print on +key
  • Item wise default sales quantity
  • Cash/Card/Both acceptance
  • Get ready for next bill after bill saving (No party selection every time)
  • Efficient Return Management on same bill
  • Provision for separate cashier system for cash collection
  • Multi customer handling on single computer
  • Auto pickup of Rates, Discounts & Schemes
  • Bill value bases discount system
  • New scheme, products, etc sms & email system

Credit Limits

In Marg two types of Credit limits are available i.e. Primary Credit Limits and Final Credit Limit. Bills can be generated by the help of password if primary credit limits get crossed. If final credit limits get crossed and once you have set "follow strictly" in party's master then it will not allow to cross the limit. In Marg you can set limits in three ways- Maximum Amount, Maximum Bills, and Maximum Days. In Marg there is advance provision available regarding Temporary Limits in which management can give authority to the party for bill generation in the case of emergency.

  • Default provision for all parties
  • Party wise separate credit limits in Amount, Bills & Due Days
  • If party cross his credit limit then Indicate, Follow Strictly, Stop Billing
  • Provision to include Challan value in credit limit
  • Separate Primary limits. Operator wise powers to cross with password
  • Provision for Cash billing allowed or not if credit limit cross
  • Utility to Auto fix party credit limit on the bases of Sale
  • Send direct SMS if party cross his primary / credit limit
  • Provision to calculate amount after selected date for Credit limit
  • Provision for Cash/Stock Less outstanding check for credit limit

Rate Management

Rate Master of Marg is very much advanced for the fulfillment of the customer's need. In this 9 Price Lists, Party wise Special Rates, Minimum Rates, Pick Rates from Last Delivery, Net Rate and Lot Rate etc. advanced options are available, so there is no need to remember rates at the time of billing.

  • 9 Rates, MRP, Purchase Rates, Cost, Cost w/o Deal
  • Party wise default rate for Sales & Brk/Exp
  • Party wise Item special Rates
  • Party wise Add in Rate provision eg.Rate=Rate+%, Rate+PurchRate*%, Rate- MRP*%/100, i   Rate-(Mrp*Deal / (Deal+Free))*%)/(100+%), etc
  • Master/Batch/Date wise Rates
  • Minimum Rate setup
  • Price to Retailer / Price to Stockist provision
  • Self-define name for 9 price list
  • Increase rate with x% Item-to-Item/Bill Wise
  • Rate in 2,3,4 decimals
  • Pick Rates, Schemes, Discounts from last deals
  • Less rate indication
  • New/Old rate indication & printing provision
  • Approximate Rate show/create on MRP/Cost/Purchase + Item Margin
  • Provision to open batch windows if different rates on FIFO
  • Generate Net Rate on the bases of purchase discount
  • Generate sales rates on Purchase Rate/MRP/Cost
  • Ask rate in multi-currency (Item wise)
  • Operator wise sale rate decrease upto %
  • Net Rate, Net W/o Deal, Lot Rate, Scheme Net Rate, Estimated Rate hot keys
  • Multi Rate changer & Rate advisor

Salesman Selection

In Marg, salesman selection is done in various ways. Salesman wise reports and outstanding are very advance. Even there are provisions available to filter reports salesman wise and calculate commissions of salesman.

  • Party / Series / Loop wise M.R. Selection
  • Salesman wise Ledger & Outstanding maintenance. 
            i   Few areas maintain Ledgers & O/s of Salesman not of Party. 
            ii   Commission of Salesman = Total Salesman Discount - Party bill discount
  • Salesman Commission calculation, posting & profit effect or not provision
  • Provision to merge duplicate items if Rate & Discount is same
  • Corporate Ledger & Outstanding system (Bill to multiple location & accounts to Head Office)
  • Provision to set Station, Area, D.L.No., Name, Code wise Party Selection
  • Multi Sales Return, Breakage/Expiry Return, Replacement, Price Difference Dr/Cr Note in Sales Bill
  • Sales Return, Breakage/Expiry Return, Replacement, Price Difference Dr/Cr Note in Sales Bill
  • Items only to ask percentage & Amount (W/o Quantity used for Add/Less)
  • General Items (Un-stocked items) provisioni   
            Eg.If you sold computer and you want to give description of items used in it.
            ii   but not want to  less stock you can use general item
  • New Launched Items load in bill
  • Stocks & Billing in Multi Unit eg 10 Bag 12 Kg
  • Item Name printing in any language
  • Auto rate calculation on the bases of MRP/Cost/Purchase Rate/Any Rate
  • Provision for Negative Stock
  • Repeat Billed Items Indication & merge print provision
  • Actual Cost, Cost W/o Deal etc multi cost saving provision
  • Predefined set of Items & loading on bill
  • Bill conversion from 20,000 amount to 17,250 automatically for shot cash
  • Cash Returner (Customer give 2500 Bill Value 2329 Return Cash 171) with printing provision
  • Bill/Item Profit/Tax summary on single key
  • Company wise Discount Summary & Bulk Amendment
  • Whole bill rate increase/decrease in % / Party wise % feeding
  • Auto display of Last deal of selected product with Party/Last al deals on Ctrl+S
  • Provision to show Saleable & Brk/Exp return Dealings on Sales
  • Show Return analysis (Saleable & Brk/Exp Return Qty & %) on Saleable & Brk/Exp return entry
  • Selected Item Purchase Detail / Sale to Party / Sale to All / Return Analysis / Issue / Receive analysis
  • Insert Item on selected row between 2 items
  • Billed Item Batch/Profit detail with scroll to cross check margins/rates/deals etc

Free Scheme (Bonus)

In some business schemes management are very important part of billing. There are several ways to issue Free schemes, which are not possible in every software. In Marg, all ways are available to issue free schemes automatically. 

  • Party Master, Item, Batch, Date wise scheme
  • Free scheme calculation on Item, Batch, Manual, Lot bases
  • Default/Party wise Free calculation in reverse with round off provision
  • Provision to merge duplicate items if Rate & Discount is same
  • Provision to calculate free scheme in amount if Free Quantity <1
  • Provision to give all free goods in Quantity / Amount
  • Item/Party wise scheme calculation upto Full,Half,1/3,Qtr.,All scheme
  • Free goods in Amount (Net Scheme) on 45* Rate,. 50*Rate,. 45/.50* ( Rate* Deal/(Deal+Free))
  • Tax on free goods Company/Item/Batch wise option
  • Hot key to calculate lot rate (Rate less scheme)
  • Other free provision ie Lux Shop free with 10kg Marg Aata
  • Free scheme on the bases of Weight/Quantity of item group
        i   Ie Lux Shop with 20 kg JAM of any brand
  • Provision to show free stock separate in item/batch window
  • Operator wise scheme ban/change allowed in bill
  • Operator wise extra scheme issue allowed/disallowed

Discount System

In Marg, Discount System is fully advanced. In this different types of discounts are available like- Percentage, per unit, Lump sum etc. in this you can set Bill wise, Item wise or Group wise discounts.

  • Bill wise 4 Discounts in percentage
  • Item wise 2 Discount in percentage
  • 2 Volume Discounts on Per Unit/Lumsum bases
  • Company/Item/Party-Company/Party-Item Discount
  • Company wise separate discount % for Cash/Credit parties
  • Maximum discount limits Company/Item wise
  • Date wise Rates, Schemes & Discount provision
  • Quantity wise Discounts
  • Provision for 1st & 2nd Discount only for reporting/commission (Not less in Bill)
  • Ask for Discount change save in Party Special dealings
  • Discount Less by system ie 10%Disc.-2%Lesssby than Disc. Print 10% Calculate 9.8%
  • Provision to Post discount amount in memorandum ledger
  • Various provisions for Discount Calculation
  • Provision for Bills discount on the bases of Bill Value
  • Operator wise discount ban in issue/receipt
  • Operator wise maximum discount

Margins & Losses

In Marg, high focus is given on Margin & Losses Management. In Today's competitive time, even a little mistake let your business down. Such type of Losses Management is built in Marg so that loss due to mistakes can be avoided.

  • Separate colour for loss items in bill
  • Loss indication on Cost & Cost+Margin bases
  • Profit calculation on (Sale-Cost)*100/Cost or (Sale-Cost)*100/Sale bases
  • Provision for margin analysis on Cost or Cost w/o Deal or Self defined Rate
  • Default/Operator wise Margins, Cost, Purchase Rate & Deals display or not
  • Operator wise loss billing disallowed option
  • Show Item/Bill wise Margin in Rs, %, Both
  • Show cost & margin on my defined screen position
  • Provision to Add interest on cost for profit calculation
  • 2nd margin for Cost W/o Deal, Cost+Tax, MRP-Cost-Tax,etc
  • Show current & old margins in Batch Window

Item Popup with lot of features

In Marg's item window all required information's are available for businessmen. You can even show or hide them as per your need.

  • Item/Batch List with Current Stock, Rate, Cost, Margins, Deals, Supplier Detail
  • Show/Disable margin, cost, purchase rate, purchase deal on Tab Key
  • Provision to show only supplied items with star marked on billed items

        i   (so that we can ask customer for unbilled items)

  • Provision to show only supplied company items with star marked on billed items
  • Rate advisor before billed (Cost to Customer)
  • Show only selected company/salt/group items
  • Online register of selected item
  • Provision to show available stock / all item
  • Online purchase rate change history
  • Show Rates in item list after Lessing given discount
  • Provision to show stock of billed dated (for back dated bills)
  • Online feeding of Shortage/Party Sales Order/Purchase Order to Supplier
  • Online view of item pending purchase order
  • Item wise Indication, Doses, Side Effects, Special Precautions, Compositions,
        (i)  Narcotic, Scheduled, Prohibited, etc provision

Bill Printing

In Marg, you can design bill formats both in GUI and DMP. The Bill Format Designer is that much advance as it is fulfilling all the requirements of our 10 Lakh plus users

  • Self-designed unlimited format for GUI & DMP
  • Party/Series/Agency wise different invoice formats
  • Record of how many times bill prints
  • Multi language printing
  • Separate headers & formats for Bill, Challan & Estimate
  • Duplicate format auto printing (2 Column Printing)
  • In sales bill, Self-defined heading of Sales Return, Brk/Exp, Repl., Price Diff. headings in Sales Bill
  • Adjusted Debit/Credit Note with / w/o item detail print provision
  • Size printing in columnar format (Auto Adjust)
  • Vat % wise Variables for Sub totals, Discounts, Vat, etc
  • Provision to print Index/Company/Group wise subtotal & heading
  • Index/Company/Group wise separate slip printing
  • Self-Definable variables for sum & print
  • Underline/Sign Supplied Items
  • New/Lot Rate Items print in Bold/Sign
  • Print 1/2/3 Items per line
  • Print item in same line if Rates & Discount are same
  • Unlimited Bill/Item remark
  • Default Terms & Conditions
  • Provision to print Company Logo/Item Photo
  • Provision to print Acknowledgement
  • Provision to print Pending Order

Flexibility & Facilities on Billing

In Marg, Billing system is much advance and flexible in which your Customer's, Transport & Bankers requirement can be fulfilled. Hot keys in Marg's billing system are very much advanced, you can switch over from bill to any report and vice versa.

  • Alpha Numeric Bill No. Eg. 0001/AP-0001/98-99-0001
  • Party & Item creation / modification at the time of Billing
  • Change old Bill No. & Date
  • Both Local & Central Sales facility
  • Complete status of select party with Top 9 Overdue Bills
  • Change discount / rate and store in master on Billing
  • Stock available & Free available status for Item on Billing
  • Negative Stock Billing if required (Optional)
  • Cash receiving facility at the time of billing
  • Supplied Items on Challan Indication print on Bill
  • Special Note on Billing (eg. **Happy Diwali**) etc.
  • Sales Tax Forms/L.R. No./Tpt./Banker for Central Sales
  • All Reports at the time of billing
  • Expired Item Indication
  • Item selection on FIFO/First Expired/Self Selection/Self Selection + FIFO/Manual Feeding bases
  • Provision to go on Free/Rate/Discount on special key otherwise skip
  • Hot key to calculate estimate rate on Cost/Purchase Rate/etc + Margin %
  • Hot key to calculate Net Rate, Net Rate W/o Deal, Lot Rate, Billed Deal
  • Hot key change all billed item Rate & Discount on Table Format
  • Hot key to load Pending Challan, Return Challan, Pending Orders
  • Bank, Transport, L.R., Bank Rebate, Order No., etc feeding
  • Invoice, Challan, Estimate, Bank Letter, Packing Slip, Cover Note, etc printing provisions
  • Signed/Unsigned & Delivered/Undelivered bill list

Barcode Management

In Marg, barcode can be generated in GS1, Serial, Shuffle, Composite etc ways. In Marg, we have developed advance system to manage International and self- Barcode.

  • Barcode Searching on Item, Batch/Size/MRP/etc
  • Show item list with Barcode No. provision
  • Item Searching on Name for Barcode Missing on +key
  • Print only self-defined barcode for un-barcoded items
  • Barcode printing on Laser, Deskjet & Other Barcode Printers
  • Self-defined Barcode Printing Format
  • GS1, Serial, Shuffle Barcode creation system inbuilt

Challan Management

Sometimes nearby customers get loose items, you can't make bill for that every time, In Marg, we had given a provision of Challans. You can issue that loose items in challan and convert it partially or all into the bill as per your requirement. These challans always show pending unless you do not convert it into bill. These challans will only effect on your Inventory but not in Accounts. 

  • Challan Loading Automatically / Selected on Upto Amount, Upto Date, All
  • Monthly / Weekly challan to Single / Separate Bill conversion provision
  • Selected Items with partial quantity loading provision
  • Delete / Maintain Challan record after loading provision
  • Challan Items go in challan at the time of bill deletion
  • Stock updation on the bases of Bill / Challan Date
  • Load parties challan in cash invoice provision
  • Multi challan loading and provision of split on the bases of Company, Tax type, MRP Tax etc
  • Bills not allowed w/o challan provision
  • Bills not allowed w/o pass/check of challan provision
  • Only show sales man pending challan of selected party for loading provision
  • Party wise challan allowed
  • Challan print in feeded order or index on item, company, Rack, etc
  • Challan items can be printed underlined or with defined sign in bill printing
  • Challan No. & Date can be print as a heading
  • You can define maximum Challan limit in Value & No.
  • You can define maximum items in a bill (Default/Party wise)
  • Operator wise Challan allowed provision
  • Operator wise challan modification allowed Upto date provision

Order Management

In Marg software, Sales & Purchase Order management is very advance, there is facility of loading partial or full order. To run Marg according to every customer there is several setups available such as balance order should be pending or get automatically deleted, at the time of overloading in bill whether pick rate from order or from masters etc. 

  • Purchase & Sales order management
  • Reorder System on the bases of Sales, Stock-Sales Order, Minimum Level, Todays Sales, etc
  • Show last 4 deals of purchase in reorder system / order feeding
  • Provision to split order in parts
  • Provision to issue order in Pcs / Box
  • Auto purchase ordering on the bases of Best Supplier (Discount/Cost)
  • Provision to decide best supplier on the bases of last ??? deals
  • Show old pending orders of item at the time of ordering
  • Provision to show last deals of Sale/Purchase or Order
  • Item/Order wise delivery date, terms & instructions
  • Selected Parties/Items wise pending order list
  • Order Analysis on Sales Order, Purchase Order & Current Stock
  • Provision to load pending orders in bill modification
  • Provision to Less orders only from Selected Order or Fifo
  • Provision to collect cash/cheque and post in accounts
  • Provision to import orders from net (Customized)
  • Online Shortage System with Supplier/Company wise reports
  • Loading provision : Company wise / Selected Orders with selected items
  • Can be loaded Partial Quantity
  • Sign for unchecked loaded items from order
  • Purchase/Sale orders can be created online at the time of billing
  • Provision to update orders on Bill Edit/Delete
  • Provision to pick rates, deals, discounts from order or normal
  • Provision to show supplier companies others on F9 key
  • Provision to control order on Batch / MRP / Size wise
  • Store wise sales order provision
  • Balance order Delete & Pending provision on sales
  • Balance order Delete, Pending, Shift in Shortage provision on purchase
  • Provision for order quantity less on Qty or Qty + Free
  • Default Quantity provision on * key (Online Ordering)
  • Self-defined printing formats & orders in softcopy
  • Provision to print pending orders on party bills

Purchase Import (E-Milan)

In Marg, with a single click you can import bill from softcopy of any format provided by the supplier. Through which you can save time and get relief from manual errors.

  • No need to feed manual Purchase
  • Marg Users can Import / Export Invoices
  • One time mapping with very advance system
  • Auto prompt for unmapped items
  • Provision to un-hold bill on single key
  • Import from CSV, Excel, DBF, etc format (Other software)

    i  Self-defined import methods from CSV, Excel, DBF, etc

    ii  Item Mapping on Name, Barcode, Item code, Universal Code, etc

    iii  Import methods can be Import/Export

    iv  Method creation with From Line, Date Format, Starting & Ending String option

Purchase Attraction

In Marg several calculation methods are available which will help you in matching the bill values sent by supplier. There is provision in which you can feed and check sales rates & deal etc at the time of purchase.

  • Purchase Order & Indent provision
  • Purchase Order Loading Full / Item Wise / Partial Quantity
  • Supplier wise separate calculations for different type of bills
  • Entry No. provision for Purchase Bills
  • Item entered marked as unchecked and show authorised person for check
  • Pick Rates, Discount & Deal from any last, party last provision
  • Last 4 deals for Rate, Discount, Deals & Cost comparisons
  • Testing required after purchase provision
  • Purchase Type wise Sales Boundations provision
  • Provision to save Purchase Item remark for print in sale
  • All / One by one Size/Batch purchase feeding
  • Purchase Return, Brk/Exp return, Replacement, Price Difference provision in bill
  • Batch, MRP, Excise, SC, Free, Mfd, Exp, Barcode, Manufacturer, Packing provision
  • 2 Item Discount in %, 2 Volume Discounts, 4 Bill Discounts, 3 Add/Less, Cash Payment
  • Old & New Cost & Margins, Cost w/o deal & Margin, Sales MRP %,
        i   Purchase MRP % for comparisons
  • Rates & Scheme can be defined at the time of purchase on MRP, Cost+Margin,
        i   Purchase Discount, Self-defined, etc bases
  • Cost on the bases of Last Purchase / Average Bases
  • Approx. Rate / Auto Rate change provision
  • Margins on the bases of Sales
  • Checking provision for re-check batch rates, scheme
  • Input Tax Credit changeable if calculation not matched
  • Self-defined Goods Receipt Note printing
  • Self-defined Label Printing
  • Barcode creation & Self-defined Barcode Printing

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