Tally 9 Guide Book

Basic concept of accounting
Accounting : It is an art of recording, classifying and summarizing in significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are of financial character and interpreting the results thereof.

Business Transaction : A business transaction is “The movement of money and money’s worth form one person to another”. Or exchange of values between two parties is also known as “Business Transaction”.

Purchase : A purchase means goods purchased by a businessman from suppliers.

Sales : Sales is goods sold by a businessman to his customers.

Purchase Return or Rejection in or Outward Invoice : Purchase return means the return of the full or a part of goods purchased by the businessman to his suppliers.

Sales Return or Rejection out or Inward Invoice : Sales return means the return of the full or a part of the goods sold by the customer to the businessman.

Assets : Assets are the things and properties possessed by a businessman not for resale but for the use in the business.

Liabilities : All the amounts payable by a business concern to outsiders are called liabilities.

Capital : Capital is the amount invested for starting a business by a person.

Debtors : Debtor is the person who owes amounts to the businessman.

Creditor : Creditor is the person to whom amounts are owed by the businessman.

Debit : The receiving aspect of a transaction is called debit or Dr.

Credit : The giving aspect of a transaction is called credit or Cr.

Drawings : Drawings are the amounts withdrawn (taken back) by the businessman from his business for his personal, private and domestic purpose. Drawings may be made in the form cash, goods and assets of the business.

Receipts : It is a document issued by the receiver of cash to the giver of cash acknowledging the cash received voucher.

Account : Account is a summarized record of all the transactions relating to every person, every thing or property and every type of service.

Ledger : The book of final entry where accounts lie.

Journal entries : A daily record of transaction.

Trail Balance : It is a statement of all the ledger account balances prepared at the end of particular period to verify the accuracy of the entries made in books of accounts.

Profit : Excess of credit side over debit side.

Profit and loss account : It is prepared to ascertain actual profit or loss of the business.
Balance Sheet : To ascertain the financial position of the business. It is a statement of assets and liabilities.

Types of accounts

Personal account: Personal accounts are the accounts of persons, firms, concerns and institutions which the businessmen deal.

Debit the receiver 
Credit the giver

Real Account: These are the accounts of things, materials, assets & properties. It has physical  existence which can be seen & touch.
Ex. Cash, Sale, Purchase, Furniture, Investment etc.

Debit what comes in 
Credit what goes out

Nominal account: Nominal account is the account of services received (expenses and Losses) and services given (income and gain)
Ex. Salary, Rent, Wages, Stationery etc.

Debit all expense/losses 
Credit all income/ gains

Tally is a complete business solution for any kind of Business Enterprise. It is a full fledged accounting software.

Procedure for creating company in Tally
Double click on Tally icon on desktop. 
Alt+F3 Company info-Create company.

Accounts Only : To maintain only the financial accounts of the company. Inventory (stock) management is not involved in it.

Account with Inventory : This is the default option, which allows maintaining both the financial account of the company as well as the inventory of the company.

Select Company : We can choose the company which is already created. Shortcut key - F1.

Shut Company : It is used to close the company which is opened. Shortcut key - Alt+F1. 

Alter : It is used to make alterations in the company creation like name, date, maintain etc. 

Quit : Exits from Tally. 
1.     Click on quit button.
2. Esc, Esc, Esc and enter.
3. Ctrl+Q
Short cut keys
Alt+F3         Company information menu
Enter         To accept information typed into a field.
                        To accept a voucher or master.
                        To get a report with further details of an item in a report.
Esc                 To remove what has been typed into a field.
                        To exit a screen.
                        To indicate you do not want to accept a voucher or master.
Ctrl+A         To accept a form wherever you use the key combination the screen or report will be accepted  as it is on this screen.
Ctrl+Q         It quits the screen without making any changed to it. 
Alt+C         To create a master at a voucher screen.
                        When working within an amount field presses 
Alt+C              To act as a calculator.
Alt+D         To delete a voucher. To delete a master.
Ctrl+Enter To alter a master while making an entry or viewing report. 
F2                 Date
Alt+F2         Change period
Alt+F1         To see detail
F11                 Features company
F12                 Configuration options are applicable to all the companies in a data directory. 
Ctrl+N         Calculator screen.
Ctrl+V         Voucher mode (Cr. Dr)
                        Invoice mode (name of item, rate, quantity, and amount)

Gateway of Tally-Accounts info-Group
Bank account                 Bank OD account             Branch/division                 Capital account         
Cash in hand                  Current asset                 Current liability                     Deposit 
Direct expenses                Direct income                Indirect expense                 Indirect income 
Duties and tax             Fixed asset Investment        Loans and advance             Loan (liability)
Miscellaneous expenses    Provisions                     Retained earning            Reserves and surplus
Purchase account             Sales account                     Secured loan                Stock in hand 
Sundry debtor’s             Sundry creditors                 Suspense                     Unsecured account

Current asset : It is converted into cash with in a year. Ex. Bills receivable

Direct Expenses : These are the expenses which are directly related to manufacturing of goods. Ex. Wages, factory rent, heating, lighting etc

Indirect Expense : These are the expenses which are indirectly related to manufacturing of goods. Ex. Salary, rent, stationery, advertisement, printing

Depreciation : Decrease the value of the asset.

Sundry debtors : The person who is the receiver or customer

Sundry creditors : The person who gives or supplier.

Expenses Outstanding or Unpaid expenses or Expenses due : Expenditure incurred during current year but the amount on which is not yet paid. (Added to the expenditure on the debit side and entered on the liability side.)

Income received in advance or Income received but not earned
Income received during the current year but not earned or a part of which relates to the next year. (Deducted form the concerned income on the credit side and entered on the liability side)

Prepaid advance or Expenses or Prepaid expenses
Expenditure paid during current year but not incurred or a part of which relates to the next year is called expenditure prepaid. (Deducted form the concerned expenditure on the debit side and entered on the assets side)

Income outstanding or income earned but not received or Income accrued
Income outstanding means income earned during the current year but the amount on which is not yet received (added to the concerned income on the credit side and entered on the asset side)

Company creation process
Open the Tally Program
Press(Alt + F1) if one company already open
Create Company

How to open company?
Open the Tally Program
Press(Alt +  F1)
Choose the select company

How to Modify and Delete the company?
Go to alter
Choose the company
Modify the company and save
Press (Alt+D) for delete

How to create ledger?
Account info

How to see ledger?
Account info

How to delete the ledger?
Account info
Open the target company
Press alt + D

Practice for ledger:-
Name                                                        under
ABC company                                          capital account
Everest bank a/c                                        bank account
Computer a/c                                            fixed assets
Land and building a/c                              fixed assets
Salary a/c                                                        indirect exp
Office rent a/c                                                indirect exp
Interest paid a/c                    indirect exp
Painting and stationery a/c                   indirect exp
Electricity Bill paid A/c                 indirect exp
Preparing charge a/c                indirect exp
Fuel a/c                                                      indirect exp
Telephone bill paid a/c                                  indirect exp

Commission received a/c                              indirect income
Bonus received a/c                                          indirect income
Interest received a/c                                        indirect income
Dividend received a/c                                  indirect income
Nepal Bank a/c                    bank account
Excel bank a/c                                        bank account

Loan from NIC bank                                      loan liabilities 
Loan from sita a/c                                          loan liabilities 
Loan from ABC group                                  loan liabilities 

Give loan to excel bank                          loan and advance
Give loan to sapana                                  loan and advance
Give loan to ABC group                          loan and advance

Share investment in skm com.                            Investment
Bonus + share                                                    Investment
Purchase account                 purchase account
Purchase return                 purchase account
Purchase discount                 purchase account

Sales account                 sales account
Sales return                 sales account
Sales discount         sales account

Purchase on credit                   sundry creditors
Sold on credit                 sundry debtors 

Drawing account capital account 
Insurance company current assets
VAT account duties & taxes
Telephone deposit account deposit (Assets)
Rent deposit account deposit (Assets)

Wages Direct expenses 
Transport charge Direct expenses
Package charge Direct expenses
Labor charge Direct expenses

Advance salary loan and advance
Prepaid rent loan and advance

Interest payable  current liabilities
Rent payable current liabilities

Commission receivable current asset
Interest receivable current asset

Computer account fixed asset
Land and building fixed asset
Printer account fixed asset 
Furniture account fixed asset 

Accounting voucher 
Gate of Tally
Accounting vouchers
Few point for vouchers:
F2= for voucher data F7= journal voucher
F4= contra voucher F8= sales voucher
F5= payment voucher F9= purchase voucher
F6= Receipt voucher F11= company features

Receipt(F6) / payment(F5) voucher 
How to entry receipt / payment / payment voucher?
Account voucher 
Press F5 (For payment)
Press F6 (For receipt)

How to see cash / bank book report?
Cash / bank book 

for receipt / Payment voucher 
1. ABC company started business with cash at Rs. 10,00,000.
2. Bought furniture for office use at Rs. 50,000.
3. Bought computer at Rs. 35,000 for office use.
4. Commission received from ABC group at Rs. 30,000.
5. Bonus received from ABC Company at Rs. 10,000.
6. Rent paid to household at Rs. 5000.
7. Telephone bill paid at Rs. 2000.
8. Deposited cash at Rs. 20,000 for telephone.
9. Share investment in SKM company at Rs. 1,00,000.
10.   Bought typewriter for Rs. 40,000.
11. Bought Printer for Rs.50,000.
12. Advertisement Bill paid Rs. 10,000.

Contra voucher (F4)
Cash deposited in bank
Account : Name of Bank
Particular : cash a/c
Cash withdrew from bank
Account : cash a/c
Particular : Name of bank
Cash transfer bank to bank
Account : Name of bank where you transfer
Partiular : Name of bank from transfer

1. Cash Rs. 3, 00,000 deposited into Nubile bank.
2. Cash Rs. 50,000 withdraws from Nubile bank cheque no 12244 for office use.
3. Cash transfer from Nubile bank to SBI Bank at Rs. 1,00,000 chquee no 23531.
4. Cash deposit into NCC bank at Rs. 1,00,000.
5. Cash withdrew from NCC bank at Rs. 25,000 for office use. Cheque no 339956
6. Cash transfer from NCC Bank to Nepal Bank at Rs. 50,000 chequee no 56666.
7. Cash deposited into Nepal Bank LTD Rs.1,00,000
8. Cash withdrew from NCC bank Rs.10,000 cheque no.5526
9. Cash deposit Rs.5,00,000 into Global Bank.
10. Cash withdrew from Global bank Rs.200,000. according to cheque no. 8975

How to see reports of cash & bank
Go to Display
Account Book
Choose the bank & press enter for details

2012-03-01 Sabin started business with Rs 100000/-
2012-03-02 Bought furniture at Rs 30000/-
2012-03-03 Bought typewriter at Rs 5000/-
2012-03-04 Cash Rs 300000 deposited into Nepal bank
2012-30-05 Advertisement exp. Paid of Rs 7000/-  paid by Nepal bank , cheque no 33399
2012-03-06 Computer maintenance charge Rs 3000/- paid 
2012-03-07 Cash withdrew from Nabil bank for office use at Rs  50000 cheqee no 
2012-30-08 Deposited for telephone in Nepal telecom office at 10000/-
2012-03-09 Rs 36000 withdrew from proprietor his personal use by Nepal bank 
                    cheque no 122554
2012-03-10 Bought motorcycle at Rs 130000 paid by Nepal bank cheque  no 1256
2012-30-11 Furniture Purchase at Rs 4000
2012-30-12 Bought share and investment in LIC Company at 100000

How to activate interest with ledger?
Press F11
Accounting Features
Activate:  interest Activate? –yes 
Use advance parameters? –yes 

Interest calculation report
Statement of account 
Interest calculation 
Interest receivable/interest payable

Press F2 and type date
    To    : 
Interest Calculation:
Received loan(loan &labilities)
Give loan(loan & advance)

2012-30-15 Give loan to sanu bahal Rs 100000 by 30% interest yearly 
2012-30-20 Loan received from kamala karki at Rs 70000 with16%interest monthly
2012-30-25 Give loan to mina subba at Rs 50000 with 18% interest yearly 
2012-30-14 Loan received from Anuja thapa Rs 40000 with 24% interest monthly

Mix Transaction: 
2012-03-01 Sushant started a business with Rs 100000/-
2012-03-02 Bought Computer at Rs 30000/-
2012-03-03 Bought typewriter at Rs 5000/-
2012-03-04 Cash Rs 300000 deposited into Agriculture Development Bank.
2012-30-05 Advertisement exp. Paid of Rs 7000/-  paid by Agriculture Development Bank, cheque no 33399
2012-03-06 computer Repair charge Rs 3000/- paid 
2012-03-07 Cash withdrew from World bank for office use at Rs  50000 cheqee no 
2012-30-08 Deposited for telephone in Nepal telocome office at 10000/-
2012-03-09 Rs 36000 withdrew from proprietor his personal use by NIC Asia bank 
                    cheque no 122554
2012-03-10 Bought motorcycle at Rs 130000 paid by NIC Asia bank cheque  no 1256
2012-30-11 Furniture Purchase at Rs 4000
2012-30-12 Bought share and investment in LIC Company at 100000
2012-30-15 Give loan to Ramesh Dahal Rs 100000 by 30% interest yearly 
2012-30-20 Loan received from  Ritu Karki at Rs 70000 with16%interest monthly
2012-30-25 Give loan to shardha at Rs 50000 with 18% interest yearly 
2012-30-14 Loan received from Sushant Rs 40000 with 24% interest monthly

Inventory info
How to create stock group?
Inventory info
Stock group
eg : mobile, machinery , TV food rice

How to see stock group?
Inventory info
Stock group

How to modify the stock group?
Stock group
Open the target group
Modify the group

How to create unit of measure?
Inventory info
Unit of measure
  Eg. Kg , pkt, ctn, lta, mtr dzn

How to modify the unit of measure?
Inventory into
Unit of measure
Open the target unit 
Modify the unit

How to see unit of measure?
Inventor info
Unit of measure

How to create stock item?
Inventory info
Stock item
Eg sony, nokia, rara, sunsilk straline etc
How to see stock item?
Inventory info
Stock items
How to modify stock item?
Inventory info 
Stock item
Open the target item 
Modify the item 

Purchase voucher / sales voucher 
Press F9 for purchase voucher
Press F8 for sales voucher 

1. Goods purchase on cash as follows:
Stock Group: TV
Samsung  200 pcs @Rs.18,000 per pcs.
Sony 200 pcs @Rs.20,000per pcs.
LG 200 pcs @18000 per pcs.

2. Goods purchase on credit from nabin Trade as follows:
Stock Group : shoes
Panda 20 pairs @Rs.1200 per pcs.
Zara 10 pairs @Rs.1000per pcs.
Vista 30 pairs @Rs.3000per pcs.

3. Goods sold on credit to Arzoo Trade house as follows:
Stock Group: Shoes
Panda 5 pairs @Rs.1800per prs
Vista 5 pairs @Rs.2200 per prs
Zara 5 pairs @Rs.2800 per prs
4. Cash paid to Nabin Trade Rs.120000
5. Cash received Arzoo trade house Rs.34000

How to see report of purchase / sales register?
Account book 
Purchase / sales register

1. Goods Purchase on credit to Uncle kirana Pasal.
Stock Group: Mobile
Micromax 500 pcs @ Rs.25000 per pcs.
Colors 600 pcs @ Rs.30,000 per pcs.
LG 700 pcs @ Rs.20,000 per pcs.
Samsung 300 pcs Rs.25,000 per pcs.
Sony 500pcs Rs.30,000 per pcs
VAT 13%
Purchase discount 5%

2. Goods Sold on cash.
Stock Group: Mobile
Micromax 100 pcs @ Rs.25000 per pcs.
Colors 400 pcs @ Rs.30,000 per pcs.
LG 500 pcs @ Rs.20,000 per pcs.
Samsung 50 pcs Rs.25,000 per pcs.
Sony 350pcs Rs.30,000 per pcs
VAT 13%
Sales discount 5%

3. Goods Purchase on Cash.
Stock Group: Beer
Cold Durbar 500 ctn @ Rs.50,000. per ctn.
Gorkha Strong 700 ctn @ Rs. 60,000 per ctn.
Khukuri 1000 ctn @ Rs. 80,000 per ctn.
Turbog 800 ctn @ Rs. 60,000 per ctn.
VAT 13%
Purchase discount 5%

4. Goods sold on credit to Dhulabari Pasal.
Stock Group: Beer
Cold Durbar 100 ctn @ Rs.50,000. per ctn.
Gorkha Strong 350 ctn @ Rs. 60,000 per ctn.
Khukuri 800 ctn @ Rs. 80,000 per ctn.
Turbog 200 ctn @ Rs. 60,000 per ctn.
VAT 13%
Sales discount 5%

5. Cash paid to Uncle kirana Pasal Rs.120000
6. Cash received Dhulabari Pasal house Rs.34000

How to activate godown?
Press F11
Inventory feature (F2)
Activate: maintain multiple go down? -yes

How to create godown?
Inventory info
    Eg  manakamana go down birta godown , jalkanya go down.
Account voucher 
1. Goods purchase in cash for manakamana Godown as follows
Stock group : mobile 
Nokia 1616 10pcs @ Rs. 1500
L.G. 2626 15pcs @ Rs. 2000
Samsung 3131 10pcs @ Rs. 3000
purchase discount 5%
vat 13 %

2. Goods sold on cash from manakamana godown as follows
Stock group: mobile 
Nokia 1616 8pcs @ Rs. 2000
Lg 2626 10 pcs @ Rs. 2500
Samsung 5 pcs @ Rs. 3500
  sales discount 5%
vat 13 %
3. Goods purchase on credit from Raju Trade for birta godown as follows 
Stock group : Rice
Mansuli Rice 20 Qtl @ Rs. 1200
Basmati Rice  10 qtl @ Rs.  2000
Sona mansuli Rice 15 qtl @ Rs. 1000
Purchase discount 3%
vat 13 %
Other charge 500

4. Goods sold on credit to Ramita from Birta Godown as follows:
Stock Group : Rice
Mansuli Rice 15 Qtl @ Rs. 1500
Basmati Rice  10 qtl @ Rs. 2500
Sona mansuli Rice 15 qtl @ Rs. 1200
Purchase discount 4%
Vat 13 %
Advertisement charge 300
5. Cash paid to Raju Trade at Rs. 1,00,000.
6. Cash received from ramita at 75,000. 

How to see receivable / payable bill?
Statement of account
Receivable / payable 

Stock transfer from manakamana godown to jalkanya godown as follow:
Nokia 2 pcs
Lg 5 pcs
Samsung 5 pcs

How to see Godown report?
Statement of inventory 
Choose target Godown and press enter
Purchase return / sales return
Purchase return debit note
Sales return credit note

How to activate purchase sales return features?
Press F11
Activate: Use debit/credit note.(yes)
                Use invoice mode for credit note?(yes)
Use invoice mode for debit note?(yes)
How to entry purchase return or sales return?
Accounting voucher
Purchase /sales invoice
Press Ctrl+F9 for debit note
Press Ctrl+F8 for credit note

How to see Debit note/Credit note resister report?
Account books
Journal resister
Debit / credit note resister.

Compound unit
How to create compound unit?
First of all create a simple unit from unite creation. eg. qtl ,kg, dz, pes,ctn
Press back space from unite creation and choose compound and press enter.

First unit                     conversation                          second
Qtl,                                   100                                        kg
Dzn 12         pcs
1. Goods purchase on credit from Rattna trade for himal godown as follows:
Starline      20 dzn 5 pcs @ Rs 120
Cello          30 dzn 7 pcs @ Rs 150
Pilot          25 dzn 6 pcs @ Rs 130
                        Purchase vat-13%

2. Goods sold on cash from Himal godown as follows:
Star line  5 dzn 2 pcs @ Rs 130
Cello  10 dzn 5 pcs @ Rs 160
Pilot  5 dzn 9 pcs @ rs 140

3. Stock transfer from himal go down to mamata go down as follows
Star line 15 dzn 2 pcs
Cello 15 dzn 3 pcs
Pilot 15 dzn 7 pcs

4. Defective goods returns to Rattan trade from Himal go down as follows.
Starline 2 dzn 9 pcs @ Rs 120
Cello 4 dzn 4 pcs @ Rs 150
Pilot 3 dzn 1 pcs @ Rs 130

5. Goods gold on credit to ranju from mamata go down as follows.
Star line 10 dzn 3 pcs @ Rs 135
Pilot 10 dzn 11 pcs @ Rs 145
6. Defective goods returns from ranju in mamata go down as follows.
Star line 2 dzn 0 pcs @ Rs 135
Pilot 3 dzn 0 pcs @ Rs 145                  

7. Purchase order / sales order 
Purchase order                          sales order
    (Alt + F4)                                   (Alt + F5)
Receipt note                              delivery note
    (Alt + F9)                                   (Alt + F8)
Purchase invoice                       sales invoice
    (F9)                                          (F8)

How to activate purchase/sales order?
Press F11 key
Inventory features
Activate: - Allow purchase order processing (yes)
                 Allow sales order processing (yes)
                 Use tracking number (delivery/receipt note) – (yes)

How to see purchase order /sales order book?
Inventory books
Purchase order books/sales order books
1. Purchase order to Ganesh trade order no–1, due on 7 days
  Stock group cloth
            T-shirt (ladies) 100 pcs @ Rs 600
            T-shirts (teans) 300 pcs @ Rs 550     
2. Goods received from Ganesh trade according to order no -1 and made purchase invoice.
3. Sales order from Kamal trade order no-1. Due on -15 day.
T-shirts (Jeans) – 200 pcs @ Rs 620
T-shirts (ladies) – 50 pcs @ Rs 6720
4. Goods delivered to Kamal trade according to order no-I and made sales vouchers.
5. Cash received from Kamal trade at Rs. 100000
6. Cash paid to Ganesh Trade Rs. 80000

Separate discount column invoice:
How to active?
Press F11
Inventory Features 
Separate discount column on invoice- yes

1. Goods purchase on cash.
Stock Group: Fan
Stock Qty Rate
Grishma 200 pcs 800
Nabin 160 pcs 900
2. Goods purchase on cash.

3. Goods solds on credit to merina trade as follows:
Stock Group: Fan
Stock Qty Rate Separate discount
Grishma 100 pcs 2200 -2%
Nabin 110 pcs 1800 -2%
4. Goods sold on credit to Dhulabari trade as follows:
Stock Group: Fan
Stock Qty Rate Separate discount
Grishma 100 pcs 2200 -2%
Nabin 110 pcs 1800 -2%

Actual and Bill QTY
Press F11 key
Inventory Features
Use different Actual and Billed QTY?      YES

Batch wise details / Expiry date for Batches
Press F11 key
Inventory Features
Activate maintain batch wise details?     Yes
Set expiry date for batch?    Yes

How to see Report?
Inventory books
Ageing Analysis
Chose the target group
Press Enter

1. Good purchase on credit from Raju Trade for Laxmi godown.
Stock Group:- Shampoo
Stock item Actual QTY Billed QTY Rate
Sunslik 108pcs 100pcs 230
Clinic plus 55pcs 50pcs 235
Vatika 85pcs 80pcs 233
Dove 200pcs 200pcs 350
VAT 13%
2. Goods sold on cash from laxmi Godown
Stock item Actual QTY Billed QTY Rate
Sunslik 52 50pcs 255
Dove 65 60pcs 370
VAT 13%

3. Goods purchase on cash
Stock group – Biscuit
Parle-G 500pkt @ RS.18
Batch no:- 123 
MFG date: 01-03-2006     
Exp date: 01-12-2007
Coconut 800pkt @ RS 17
Batch: - 444 
MFG date:  01-03-2006
Exp date: 01-12-2007
VAT 13%
4. Goods sold on cash
Coconut: - 400pkt @ RS. 20
(From Batch no: - 444)
Parle- G 200pkt
(form Batch no:- 123)
VAT 13%

Cost Center:
How to active cost center?
Press F11
Accounting features
Cost profile center management
Maintain cost center- yes
Use cost center for job costing- yes
More than one payroll/cost categories- yes

How to create cost centers and cost categories?
Account info
Cost centers
Mouse, keyboard…..
How to use cost center?
Crate ledger 
Cost center are applicable- yes
1. bought computer Rs.1,00,000.
Mouse  Rs.30,000.
Keyboard Rs.20,000.
Monitor  Rs.30,000.
CPU  Rs.20,000.

2. Advertisement bill paid Rs.70,000.
Sargam FM Rs.20,000.
Mechi Tunes FM Rs.30,000.
Simana FM Rs.20,000.

3. Office Rent paid Rs.50,000.
Head office Rs.15,000.
Branch office Rs.35,000.
How to see report of cost center/cost categories?
Statements of accounts
Cost centers
Category summary

Budget and Controls:
Press F11
Accounting features
Budget and scenario managements- yes
Maintain budget and control- yes

How to create budget?
Accounting info
Name: Budget for tea exp
Under: primary
Period of budget set/alter budget for
From To Group ledger
1-4-2012 1-4-2013       No              Yes(Alt+C  Tea expenses)Rs.10,000

1. create Budget for salary Rs.1,00,000. from 1-1-2012 to 31-3-2013.
2. create budget for Advertisements bill paid Rs.70,000. from 1-1-2012 to 31-3-2013
How to entry Budget?
Go to accountings voucher choose payment
Press F2 for exchange voucher date then entry month by month.

How to see report of budget?
Trial balance
Alt+F1 for details
Press alt +B for budget type
Choose the budget and press enter

Journal Voucher (F7)
        Dr the Receiver
A) Personal Account:-   
        Cr the Giver
        Dr what comes in?
B) Real Account:-              
        Cr what goes out?
        All exp and loss are Dr
C) Nominal Account:-  
         All income and gain are Cr

How to change By/To into Dr/Cr in journal Voucher
Press F12 in Journal Voucher
Use Dr/Cr instead for TO/BY during entry? Yes  
How to activate cash A/C in Journal?
Press F12 key from Journal voucher
Allow cash A/C in Journal? Yes / Accept  

1. bought computer on credit from Ice Computer Center Rs.40,000.
Dr.computer a/c
Cr. Ice Computer Center
  2.  Depreciation on computer Rs.30,000.
Cr.computer a/c
  3. Commission received from Ram Rs.30,000.
Dr.Ram a/c (C.A)
Cr. commission receivables(Indirect incomes)
  4. payable Interest to priya Rs.30,000.
Dr.Interest paid()
Cr.payable interest(CL)
 5. furniture Rs.40,000 lost by fir and insurance company was claimed only Rs.38000.
Dr.P/L a/c
Dr.Insurance company a/c
Cr.Furniture a/c

How to see report of journal?
Accounting Books
Journal register

Payroll voucher
Press F11 key 
Accounting features 
Maintain payroll voucher?      Yes

How to create payroll
Payroll Info
Pay Head
Name salary, bonus, OT, traveling exp
Pay head types       creating for employees
Under                     Indirect Exp
Appears in pay slip salaries Exp
Mane in Appears in pay slip salaries Exp
Use for gratuity No
Calculation type as user define value

Employee groups
Manager, propiter, accounting, staff, office boy, security guard

Employee Creates:
Name kiran Biswakarma
Under manager
Date of joining 1st apirl 2012
Employer number B5505
Designation Number Accounting
Function Accounting
Location dhulabari
Gender male
Date of birth 1st jan 1992
Blood Group 0+ve
Father Name shyam/ purna maya biswakarma
Address mechinagar -10, dhulabari
Contact 9805625631470
E-mail Id kiranbk@gmail.com
Bank name Global bank LTD.
Branch Dhulabari
Bank a/c no. s552

Salaries details creation:
Name kiran Biswakarma
Under manager
Pay heads salaries exp

Units creation
Type simple
Symbols:          hrs
Formal Name: hours
No. of decemials place   2

Attendance/production types
Name fullday
Under primary
Attendance types   leaves with pay
Period type days

Payroll vouchers:
Gate of tally
Payroll voucher
Choose:Kiran biswakarma
Salary 50000
Bonus 6000
OT 5000
Travelling 5000

Payroll Report
Statement of Payrolls 
Choose anyone option and Press Enter 
Salary paid to employee
Staff Name            Group                   Salary                        Bonous            TDS
Sita Thapa               Teacher                   5,000                         500                  200
Muna Dahal            Salesmen                8,000                           800                 400
Januka Poudel        Teacher                   10,000                        1,000               500

  Multiple Price Level:-
How to activate multiple price level?
Press F11 key
Inventory features
Activate : Use multiple price level 2 years
Price list
Dashain offer
Holi offer

How to create price list?
Inventory info
Price list
Choose the group
Price level : choose the price level 
Applicable from

1. Goods purchase on cash as fallows:
Stock group: - T-shirt
          T-shirt (J) 1500pcs @ 450per pcs
T-shirt (L) 500pcs@ 500 per pcs
          Purchase discount – 5%
          Vat      - 13%

2. Goods purchase on cash as follow:
Stock Group:- shoes
Panda 200 pcs @ Rs.550per  pcs
Nike 450pcs @ Rs.700per pcs
Goldstar  800pcs @ Rs.900per pcs
Purchase discount: 6%
VAT 13%
3. Make price list for Dashain offer.
Stock group: - T-shirt
Price level: - Dashain offer
Name of items Qty Rate Discount
From Less than
T-shirt (L)
20 pcs
50 pcs 20 pcs
50 pcs
Above 600
500 -
T-shirt(J) -
20 pcs
50 pcs 20 pcs
50 pcs
Above 750
650 -

4. Make price list for Holi offer.
Stock group: - T-shirt
Price level: - Holi offer
Name of items Qty Rate Discount
From Less than
20 pcs
50 pcs 20 pcs
50 pcs
Above 1000
650 -
Nike -
20 pcs
50 pcs 20 pcs
50 pcs
Above 1200
700 -
Goldstar -
20 pcs
50 pcs 20 pcs
50 pcs
Above 1500
800 -

5. Goods sold on cash
Price level: Dashain offer.
T-shirt(L) – 10pcs
T-shirt(L) -  30pcs
T-shirt(L) – 55pcs

6. Goods sold on Credit to Uncle shoes pasal.
Price level: Holi Offer.
How to see report of price level?
Account book
Sales register

How to create currency?
Accounting information
                                     Symbol:  $, IC
                                     Formal Name: Dollor, Indian rupee
How to set currency?
Accounting info
Rate of exchange

Currencies Std Rate Selling rate
$ 1 91
IC 100 162

How to create ledger in multi currency?
Accounting info
Name: kiran Trade
Currency of ledger: choose: $

1. Goods purchase on credit from munal store
Nokia 1616 50 pcs @ RS 10000
Samsung 60 pcs @ RS 12000
LG 2626 70pcs @ RS 16000
                             Purchase discount: - 3%
                             Vat                       : - 13%

2. Cash paid to Munal store Dollor($) 100
3. Cash paid to Munal store 10000 IC.

4. How to report at currency?
Statement of account 
Press F12
Show bill in foreign currency

Manufacturing Journal
How to create manufacturing journal?
Account information / Inventory information
Voucher type
For ex.: Name: - manufacturing of computer
  Type or Journal: L- stock journal (choose)
Method of voucher numbering: automatic
Use as a manufacturing journal
Press enter for save.

Inventory Info
Stock Group
Name: Raw materials/ Finished Goods

Symbol: pcs
Formal Name: pieces
Press enter for save.

Create stock item
Name            under          unit Qty Rs
Keyboard      Raw materials                 pcs                 30                250
Mouse Raw materials                 pcs                 30                150
Monitor Raw materials                 pcs                 30                65000
DVD R/W Raw materials                 pcs                 30                2000
Casing Raw materials                 pcs                 30                1200
Motherboard Raw materials                 pcs                 30                3500
RAM           Raw materials                 pcs                 30                2500
CPU           Raw materials                 pcs                 30                7500
HDD           Raw materials                 pcs                 30                6500

Press F12
Accts/ inventory info
Allow components list (details of materials)- yes 
Press enter for save

Create stock item
Name under unit Qty Rs.
Computer finished goods        pcs               20             
Set components (BOM)=yes
Components of : computer
Units of manufacture: 20
Items choose for all
Qty: 20pcs for all

Inventory Voucher
Alt + F7
Choose: manufacture of computer
Name of products: computer
Press enter

How to see reports at manufacturing Journal?
Inventory voucher
Stock item analysis
Press enter for  details
POS (point of sales)
How to create POS?
Inventory info
Accounting info
Voucher type
Name: POS
Type : sales (choose)
Use for invoicing 
Abbr: sales 
Method of voucher numbering: manual 
Use of defecetive date of voucher: No
Makes optional as default: no
Use of common narration: yes 
Print after saving voucher: yes
Print Message: thank u
Print message: visit again 
Default print title: POS Invoice
Press Enter for save

How to entry POS?
Accounting vouchers
Sales (press f8)
Choose POS

How to see reports of POS?
POS register
1. Goods purchase on credit RS 90,000 from Januka Trade
Stock group: food item
Rumpum 300 pkt @ Rs. 10
Tasty 200 pkt @ Rs. 12
Flour 300 kg @ Rs. 30
2. Entry POS voucher on cash
          Rumpum 25 pkt @ Rs. 12
          Tasty 20 pkt @ Rs.15
          Flour 30 kg @ Rs. 35
3. Goods purchase on cash.
50 plate Mo:Mo @ Rs. 30
60 plate Chaumin @ Rs. 25
100 pair samusa @ Rs. 15
4. Entry POS voucher no cash 
50 plate Mo:Mo @ Rs. 30
60 plate Chaumin @ Rs. 30
50 pair Samusa @ Rs. 20
                              Sales discount 3%
                                Vat               13%
5. Goods purchase on cash.
Stock group: mobile
Samsung 100 pcs @ Rs.10,000 per pcs
Sony 150pcs @ Rs.15000 per pcs 
LG 90 pcs @ Rs.5,000 per pcs
Purchase discount 3 %
VAT 13%

6. Entry POS Voucher on Cash.
Samsung 60 pcs @ Rs.10,000 per pcs
Sony 50pcs @ Rs.15000 per pcs 
LG 60 pcs @ Rs.5,000 per pcs
Sales discount 3 %
VAT 13%
7. Cash paid to Januka trade Rs. 25000

All Transaction:
1. ABC company started business with cash at Rs. 10,00,000.
2. Bought furniture for office use at Rs. 50,000.
3. Bought computer at Rs. 35,000 for office use.
4. Commission received from ABC group at Rs. 30,000.
5. Bonus received from ABC Company at Rs. 10,000.
6. Rent paid to household at Rs. 5000.
7. Telephone bill paid at Rs. 2000.
8. Deposited cash at Rs. 20,000 for telephone.
9. Share investment in SKM company at Rs. 1,00,000.
10.   Bought typewriter for Rs. 40,000.
11. Bought Printer for Rs.50,000.
12. Advertisement Bill paid Rs. 10,000.
13. Cash Rs. 3, 00,000 deposited into Nubile bank.
14. Cash Rs. 50,000 withdraws from Nubile bank cheque no 12244 for office use.
15. Cash transfer from Nubile bank to SBI Bank at Rs. 1,00,000 chquee no 23531.
16. Cash deposit into NCC bank at Rs. 1,00,000.
17. Cash withdrew from NCC bank at Rs. 25,000 for office use. Cheque no 339956
18. Cash transfer from NCC Bank to Nepal Bank at Rs. 50,000 chequee no 56666.
19. Give loan to sanu bahal Rs 100000 by 30% interest yearly 
20. Loan received from kamala karki at Rs 70000 with16%interest monthly.
21. Give loan to mina subba at Rs 50000 with 18% interest yearly 
22. Loan received from Anuja thapa Rs 40000 with 24% interest monthly
23. Goods purchase on credit from Rattna trade for himal godown as follows:
Starline      20 dzn 5 pcs @ Rs 120
Cello          30 dzn 7 pcs @ Rs 150
Pilot          25 dzn 6 pcs @ Rs 130
                        Purchase vat-13%

24. Goods sold on cash from Himal godown as follows:
Star line  5 dzn 2 pcs @ Rs 130
Cello  10 dzn 5 pcs @ Rs 160
Pilot  5 dzn 9 pcs @ rs 140
25. Stock transfer from himal go down to mamata go down as follows
Star line 15 dzn 2 pcs
Cello 15 dzn 3 pcs
Pilot 15 dzn 7 pcs

26. Defective goods returns to Rattan trade from Himal go down as follows.
Starline 2 dzn 9 pcs @ Rs 120
Cello 4 dzn 4 pcs @ Rs 150
Pilot 3 dzn 1 pcs @ Rs 130

27. Goods gold on credit to ranju from mamata go down as follows.
Star line 10 dzn 3 pcs @ Rs 135
Pilot 10 dzn 11 pcs @ Rs 145
28. Defective goods returns from ranju in mamata go down as follows.
Star line 2 dzn 0 pcs @ Rs 135
Pilot 3 dzn 0 pcs @ Rs 145                  

Balance sheet/profit and loss/ trail balance report

Press F1 : To see the report in details
          F2 : To see the period wise report
          F9 : To see the inventory reports
          F11 : To change the continuation
          Alt + p : To print and report

Stock summary report
Alt+F1 : To see in details
F4 : To see group
F5 : To see the item wise stock
F7 : To see the item wish report

Day book report
F2 : To see the date wise daybook

Change date: 01/04/2006
Alt + F2 : To use the period wise day book all date 

Change period
From  : 01/04/2004
To :      01/12/2011

Company ending process:

How to end Company Accounting
Press Alt + F3 from get way of tally
Change period : 01/04/2011
                      to: 01/04/2011  

Best of Luck

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