Adobe Premiere Pro CS4

adobe premiere pro cs4


  • Category : Apps
  • Language : English
  • Type : PC Software
  • Total Size : 3.9 GB


The  Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 Video Editing Software from Adobe is a professional video NLE and DVD creation suite. The software includes all the great features you expect from NLE software including multiple video and audio tracks, color correction, and native support for digital camcorders. It also supports multicamera editing, Adobe PDF clip notes, and Blu-ray disc authoring. Premiere Pro supports SD, HD, and HDV video formats, and can even export video for use in Flash. It is an excellent editing choice for both professionals and hobbyists alike.

Multicamera Editing Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
The software features full support for multicamera editing, supporting up to four simultaneous cameras. You can view tracks from a multicamera shoot easily and switch between them on the fly, making it easy to cut between several different angles without having to spend all your time matching action.
Encore DVD Authoring
Premiere Pro includes Encore, a full DVD production suite with support for DVD, Blu-ray, and Flash. You'll be able to create a single project and choose to build for one of these formats on the fly, eliminating the need for maintaining separate projects for SD, HD, and web authoring.
Native HDV Editing Support
The software supports native HDV editing, allowing you to work with high-definition video without suffering any conversion or quality loss. With a powerful computer, you can even play back your video in real time without spending hours rendering transitions, titles, effects, and color correction.
Enhanced Color Correction
You can now take advantage of enhanced color correction tools. Choose fast correction for quick adjustments, or opt to use several secondary color-correction tools to make more detailed modifications. Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Tapeless Camera Support
Premiere Pro is capable of editing video captured via tapeless camcorders. It fully supports content captured from Panasonic P2 cameras in DVCPRO, DVCPROHD, and AVC-Intra formats; it even supports files that span multiple P2 cards. It also supports Sony XDCAM EX and XDCAM HD formats.
Adobe Media Encoder
The Adobe Media Encoder application allows you to encode video for use on the web. It supports many compression formats, including FLV, F4V, Windows Media, MPEG-2, H.264, and QuickTime. It supports batch encoding features, allowing you to start any number of jobs and have them run unattended.

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